Whether you are vaccinated or not, whether you have a negative PCR test or not, does not change the need to respect sanitary measures.
We are now used to these measures:
Access to the temple will be limited to 70/80 people to respect sanitary distances.
For accommodation, the rooms that accommodate several people will become individual rooms, except for couples or families. The number of places in the dormitory will be reduced to space out the beds. This will allow us to accommodate about 80 people.
The campsite area will be open, and the layout of the tents should follow the same guidelines. Disinfectant will be available in all places where necessary.
These rules must be maintained in Montchardon at all times.
– We have a moral obligation to protect ourselves and others from disease, especially as we live in collective premises.
– It is important to continue to protect Lama Teunsang, whose immunity is greatly diminished, even though he has been vaccinated.
For these reasons, we are asking all those who come this summer to commit to respecting sanitary measures. This commitment will take the official form of a box to be ticked on the registration form, which will allow everyone to come to the Centre with complete peace of mind.
If you cannot or do not wish to follow these guidelines, we ask you not to come to the Centre while these rules are in effect.
The same applies, of course, if you are ill or have symptoms of the virus.
When you leave, if you need to have a PCR test, this can be done in the cities in the area. However, it will be up to you to organise (making an appointment, travelling to and from the test site), because the Centre cannot manage these procedures.
Mahakala Pernatchen est le principal « Protecteur du Dharma » de la lignée Kagyupa. C’est un aspect de sagesse primordiale qui se manifeste sous une forme courroucée pour protéger le Dharma et les pratiquants, ainsi que pour dissiper les obstacles et les conditions adverses. Ce long rituel est accompli à cette période afin de purifier l’année écoulée et de créer les conditions propices pour la nouvelle année. Il commence à 5h du matin, et dure jusqu’au soir vers 21h. Lama Tsultrim en tant qu’oumzé (le maître des chants) dirigera le rituel auquel participeront Lama Sangpo et Lama Teundroup ainsi que les drouplas de Montchardon.
Tchilou littéralement « repousser la mort » est un rituel de protection contre toutes causes de mort prématurée et obstacles pour l’année à venir.
Mahakala Pernatchen is the main Dharma Protector of the Kagyu lineage. This wrathful primordial wisdom aspect manifests to protect Dharma and practitioners, and to clear away obstacles and adverse circumstances. This long ritual is accomplished at this time to purify the past year and create auspicious conditions for the new year. It starts at 5am and lasts until 9pm. Lama Tsultrim will act as umze (singing master) to carry out the ritual, which Lama Sangpo, Lama Teundroup and the Montchardon druplas will attend.
Chilu, literally to « deceive death » is a protection ritual against all causes of premature death and obstacles for the year to come.