This summer the programme will take place under special circumstances, since the Centre can resume activities provided that sanitary measures are strictly observed.

Whether you are vaccinated or not, whether you have a negative PCR test or not, does not change the need to respect sanitary measures.

Your presence in Montchardon implies that you strictly respect sanitary measures in all circumstances.

We are now used to these measures:

  1. Wear a protective mask in the temple during the whole teaching or practice period, in the refectory until you start eating, and in all situations where it is difficult to maintain a 1m distance with others.
  2. Hand wash with hydro-alcoholic gel when entering and leaving the temple and refectory, whenever accessing the self-service area and on all occasions when touching a collective object.
  3. Maintain a distance of 1m around yourself, in the temple, in the refectory and when moving around in the Centre.

Access to the temple will be limited to 70/80 people to respect sanitary distances.

For accommodation, the rooms that accommodate several people will become individual rooms, except for couples or families. The number of places in the dormitory will be reduced to space out the beds. This will allow us to accommodate about 80 people.

The campsite area will be open, and the layout of the tents should follow the same guidelines. Disinfectant will be available in all places where necessary.

These rules must be maintained in Montchardon at all times.


We have a moral obligation to protect ourselves and others from disease, especially as we live in collective premises.

It is important to continue to protect Lama Teunsang, whose immunity is greatly diminished, even though he has been vaccinated.

For these reasons, we are asking all those who come this summer to commit to respecting sanitary measures. This commitment will take the official form of a box to be ticked on the registration form, which will allow everyone to come to the Centre with complete peace of mind.

If you cannot or do not wish to follow these guidelines, we ask you not to come to the Centre while these rules are in effect.

The same applies, of course, if you are ill or have symptoms of the virus.

When you leave, if you need to have a PCR test, this can be done in the cities in the area. However, it will be up to you to organise (making an appointment, travelling to and from the test site), because the Centre cannot manage these procedures.

The present video on the practice of Chenrezi recited by Karmapa himself (with subtitles of the phonetics)

The Karmapa uses the text published by the KIBI (Kagyu International Buddhist Institute) monastery in New Delhi, India. You will find the document to download below the video.
The text is in Tibetan with phonetics and English translation. Soon, you will be able to download the French version of this text on our website (following the indications mentioned on the home page).

Last but not least, Dhagpo’s site has put online the video of the Karmapa reciting Chenrezi with the phonetics as a subtitle.

It is important to know that there are different versions of the « Practice of Chenrezi », such as that of the KIBI or that of the text that we usually recite in French centers.

In fact, these texts are a collection that includes the sadhana of Chenrezi and different prayers as well as other practices.

For the record, the text to which we are accustomed was made in the 75’s by Kalu Rinpoche (unless I am mistaken) for the western centers, at the time when the Kagyu centers were beginning to be founded.

This version, in a very abbreviated form, allows us :

to invoke the Kagyu Masters through the prayer to the lineage found at the beginning of the text,
to do the sadhana (practice) of Chenrezi called « For the Good of Beings as Vast as Space » by Thangtong Gyalpo, which is the actual practice of Chenrezi in its abbreviated form, with the recitation of the Mani
to accumulate merit through the Seven Branch Prayer and the prayer of the monk Pema Karpo
to invoke Guru Rinpoche through the Seven-Way Prayer and the recitation of his mantra
to make wishes for rebirth in Deouatchen and, for some years now in Montchardon, to recite the mantra of Amitabha Buddha that Lama Teunsang included for the accumulation of the 100 million of this mantra,
to make long life wishes for our masters,
and finally make a dedication of all our merits.

This is the richness of this short practice that can be expressed in a few words.

As for the KIBI text that the Karmapa uses, it follows the same model but is much more succinct. It begins with :

the prayer called « Dorje Chang Tungma », another way of invoking the Kagyü lineage through this famous prayer which is held in high esteem because it contains fundamental instructions. It is found in the preliminary practices in the chapter of Guru Yoga (page 47).
then he recites the practice of Chenrezi in its abbreviated form, identical to the one we do it
then the Seven-pointed Prayer,
at the end of the recitation of the Mani, he makes the specific dedication of Chenrezi,

On the other hand, there are no additional prayers (by the monk Pema Karpo) or practices by Guru Rinpoche.

There are the wishes for rebirth in Deouatchen
For the dedication, he uses the dedication found in the text « Wishes and Wishes for Rebirth in Deouatchen » on page 24,
He concludes with the prayer of general dedication, followed by the four verses of developing Bodhicitta vows found in the Preliminaries ( page 12).

It remains for us to wish you a good practice!

Version with phonetic subtitles (YouTube Channel by Dhagpo Kagyu Ling). Please watch it on the french version

We now have the text that Karmapa recites. This text is currently in English but it is being translated into French and we will post it on this page as soon as it is available and announced on our Facebook page.

The original text in English is edited by the KIBI (Kagyu International Buddhist Institute) Monastery in New Delhi, India.
We have also created ePUB and MOBI versions for users of readers or if you have an application on your phone that supports these formats.

Version PDF Version ePUB Version MOBI (kindle)

We remind you that it is useless to contact the Montchardon Home Office to get more information about the contents on the Internet. We will put all the information we have online as we receive it on :

  • the official website of Montchardon:
  • Montchardon’s Facebook page:

On January 29th, Karmapa spoke for the first time about the Coronavirus, which at the time was raging mainly in China.

Jigme Rinpoche had commented on this statement during a teaching at Dhagpo.

Indeed, in this letter he was speaking for the first time about the coronavirus. Jigme Rinpoche had wanted to comment on this letter during a teaching. We thought it was important to share with you this excerpt from the video posted on Dhagpo’s YouTube channel.

You will find here the page on Dhagpo’s website that presents this letter and the translation into French.

This teaching is translated into French .

Dear friends,

A video was put online on March 18, 2020 on Karmapa’s official website.

A French version is now alsoavailable. It was made by Dhagpo Kagyu Ling. (see the french page)  This video contains a teaching by Karmapa on « change » in relation to the current situation of the Coronavirus.
The Karmapa gives many advises for reflection and practice in order to get through this difficult period with the Dharma perspective.

A video was posted on March 18, 2020 on Karmapa’s official website.

There are some more vidéos updated on the Karmapa’s official website that you can check clicking here

Practice of Chenrezig

We have created a specific page for the latest information and videos published by Karmapa on the practice of Chenrezi.

You can go to this new page which gives explanations on the practice of Chenrezi and the different versions that exist. Click here